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Archie’s Helping Me Learn How To Achieve Wellness, Happiness, and Abundance on a Daily Basis…

Archie’s Helping Me Learn How To Achieve Wellness, Happiness, and Abundance on a Daily Basis…

It was a beautiful morning to walk to the shop today, and Archie and I made the most of it. He’s such a character and stops and sniffs at many of the little power boxes, power poles, trees, hedges and even clumps of grass along the way. 

Once upon a time I would have been tugging on the lead to get him to hurry up as I’d be wanting to get to the shop quickly because there’s always so much to do and I need to squeeze as much productivity out of every hour, of every day to try and get everything done. But of course, the reality is, that I’m never going to get it all done because there will always be more to get done, but that’s how we’ve been conditioned. We need to work really, really hard to achieve financial security and therefore abundance and happiness.  

Abraham refers to this as ‘efforting or struggling’ and points out that in the striving to get there we miss so many opportunities to achieve abundance, happiness and even alignment every day. In fact, that efforting can actually block achieving the very abundance we so desperately want. 

My innate sense of enthusiasm and positive expectation is sometimes crushed temporarily by fearful thoughts (usually about money) and a lack of worthiness, not to mention complaining. It’s not like I don’t know this stuff, and have for quite a few years, because Abraham has been telling me over and over, but for some reason I’ve continued to resist doing more about changing the old patterns of thought, which in itself frustrates me, and so the cycle continues. LOL  

I believe Archie came into my life to help me with this very thing, and he’s doing an awesome job. At the age of 63 I feel like the penny has dropped, and I really know what I need to do to ensure that the rest of my life is full of fun, adventure, wellbeing and abundance. Archie’s helping me slow down and smell the roses.  

These last couple of weeks, after having a wonderful two-week rest with Peter and Archie, doing pretty much nothing except chilling, I’ve felt a shift in my vibration, and Archie has been a big part of that. I find myself content to stop at every bloody lamppost, tree, and shrub along the way to the shop, happily watching him sniffing the stories they have to tell. I find myself smiling at the concentration on his little face, and I get to listen to more of Abraham’s teachings as I patiently wait. No rush, so what if it takes 10-15 minutes more when I walk with him, I’m banking a whole lot of joy for the rest of my day because my vibration just keeps rising. 

When I say that I know what I need to do to ensure that the rest of my life is full of fun, adventure, wellbeing and abundance, I’m very aware that the urge to ‘effort or struggle’ is very strong in me, as is trying to live up to the expectations of others ( but that’s a whole nother story) and that there will be days and maybe even weeks where I’ll resist that feeling of ease, and that’s okay too, because once you know it, you’ll always find a way of allowing it again, if you choose to. 

Abraham has taught me well, and I know that I’m very capable of training my thoughts to those of positive expectation, and that the more I align myself with practising good feeling thoughts, the less I’ll offer resistance to the very abundance I’m seeking.  

My friend Marie is well known for saying ‘have great moments’, and I wish you a gazillion ‘great moments’, which if you allow it, will add up to a GREAT REST OF YOUR LIFE! 



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