Welcome to our Angel Grotto...

Nine years ago, when I decided to move Inspire Me from the blue shop across the road to our current site, I had a clear vision of how I wanted the space to be set up. With the help of friends/customers, including the team of Earth Angels who worked with me at the time, we made that happen. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together.
I created the Angel Grotto to house all things Angelic; but also, as a space where people could come and find peace and hope, just by being in there for a bit. Initially we had a chair in there so people could sit and soak up the beautiful Angelic energy, but we sometimes found people got so relaxed they nodded off, and others didn’t want to go in there and disturb them. (true story)
I was also aware that people came to us looking for something to help them express their love and support for friends and loved ones navigating their way through feelings of grief and loss or health challenges. And so I felt that we needed a quiet little space to allow for that.
In recent times we’ve added a range of books that focus on grief and loss, including a variety of children’s books, some of which are written by authors from Aotearoa New Zealand.
I haven’t felt the need to change much in the Angel Grotto over the years, although the chair has moved on, and we have a beautiful oak dresser in there.