We Are Goddesses!

It's a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. The theme for this year is ‘Inspire Inclusion’, which is about collectively forging a more inclusive world for women.
The following link takes you to their website and a lot of interesting information and ways that you can inspire inclusion. https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme
At Inspire Me, we’re celebrating women as Goddesses this week because that’s how we roll. There are lots of ways to embrace your femininity and unleash your Inner Goddess, and here are a few you might like to try…
- Get your body moving. My preferred method these days is walking, and when I’m really looking after myself, I do simple yoga stretches as well.
- Allow time for grounding, healing, and balancing your energy. Regular meditation, massage and reiki are my preferred options.
- Spend time with other women. I work with a bunch of amazing goddesses aka earth angels, who hold space for each other when needed, as well as creating a really fun place to work in. I also have a few close friends I spend time with.
- Treat yourself to some retail therapy. You don’t need to spend a fortune to give yourself a bit of an energy lift. And as it happens, I know a great shop you could visit.
- Make your own self-care a priority. Schedule regular massages, healings, goddess dates etc… You can even turn your bathroom into a living altar for an evening, and surround yourself with candles, crystals, soothing music, and some gorgeous bath salts. If there's a lock on the door - use it.
- Do things that spark your creativity. I love to spend time diamond arting, and creating little fairy/crystal gardens around the house.
As women we often put the needs of others before our own. When we prioritise our own self-care, we reduce stress, improve our physical health, lift our mood, and improve our relationships with the people who matter to us.
From one goddess to another, I encourage you to prioritise yourself, by doing at least one of the above each day this week.
- Tags: goddess personal development