M's Musings — personal development

We Are Goddesses!
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY is FRIDAY 8th MARCH 2024 It's a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of wome...- Tags: goddess personal development

Unconditional Self Love
At almost 65 years old I have obviously seen many Valentines Days, some while being in a relationship and many while single. I’ve been in a relatio...
Do You Find Self-Care Challenging?
Do you find self-care challenging? Does it feel selfish to put yourself first? Are you consistent with your self-care practice? Do you f...- Tags: personal development

Are you a list-maker?
Are you a list-maker? I am. In fact I’m possibly the Queen of Lists. I sometimes even have lists of lists. LOL Yesterday, Kathryn, who sits acros...- Tags: personal development

Archie’s Helping Me Learn How To Achieve Wellness, Happiness, and Abundance on a Daily Basis…
It was a beautiful morning to walk to the shop today, and Archie and I made the most of it. He’s such a character and stops and sniffs at many of t...
Don't Take Things Personally
Have you read Don Miguel Ruiz’s ‘The Four Agreements’? I read it many years ago and have been dipping into it again in the last few months. In fact...- Tags: personal development