A road trip around the Beautiful South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand in February 2019 was the inspiration for the creation a space in our physical and online stores, dedicated to Aotearoa inspired pieces.
These include a range of books on Maori Culture, history, art and language to name a few, as well as other New Zealand book titles, Kiwiana, carvings, ornaments, jewellery, wall art and much more...
Aotearoa Inspired
Aroha Knows
Butterfly Wall Art 29x26cm
I Don't Like Wednesdays
Ka Wehi Au Ki Nga Wenerei
Kai (Food) A2 Poster
Kararehe (Animals) A2 Poster
Kia Kaha Wooden Plug in Night Light
Know Your New Zealand Birds
Kua Wheturangitia a Koro
Maori Sayings and Proverbs
Matariki Mindfulness Journal