Have you ever had a Breast Thermography scan?

Have you ever had a Breast Thermography scan?
I have, quite a few years ago now, and while I think about it from time to time and wonder how often they come to Palmy, it really had fallen off my radar, until now that is!
A couple of months ago I saw a poster on a window somewhere, and photographed it to remind me to book myself in. But again, it dropped off my radar… (sigh)
And then the Universe/God co-ordinated things again, as they do, and someone handed me a poster at the shop, asking if we could pop it up in our window.
I got ‘the message’ and immediately booked myself in. I had missed the March dates as they were full, but I was able to book in for their June clinic here in Palmy.
What I believe, although it took me a few days to realise it; is that NOW was the right time for me, not earlier, as I might have missed the sign I received, to SPREAD THE WORD! Which I’m doing here…
The Thermography Clinic travels around Aotearoa New Zealand, and it’s here in Palmy twice more this year. There’s no radiation and no squeezing, which I definitely like, and I like that I can see whats happening on the screen.
I took a peek this morning, to make sure they still have appointments available in June, and they do, but only 11, so you might want to get in quick, or even book for November.
If you’re not in Palmy, check out their site for when they’re coming to a place near you…
There is a cost involved, which you’ll see when you visit their website here…
Home | Clinical Thermography NZ | Breast Health Screening
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