The End of an Era... the Queen's Passing

I was on leave when I heard of the Queen’s passing, and while it wasn’t a shock because of her age, it did have an impact on me, as she’s just always been there.
I’m not a monarchist (as in someone who supports the principle of having monarchs), and I never really thought of Queen Elizabeth as 'my' Queen, however I don’t feel the need to speak out against it, as it doesn’t bother me personally, and I don’t see it as being any of my business.
Because the royal family has never really been on my radar, I’ve been surprised at how huge the support has been for the Queen, and the massive outpouring of grief and loss that a very large proportion of the British population have shown. We’ve seen people from all walks of life speaking of their personal experience of her and the place she’s held in their hearts and thoughts, and I’ve felt quite emotional at times as I watched.
What has saddened me the most about the Queen’s passing is the way people have chosen to use it as an opportunity to say what I can only describe as really horrible things, making personal attacks on social media platforms, with no regard for those who are grieving.
It’s not that I think people shouldn’t be able to express their views, because of course we have the right to do that, but I do believe there’s a time and place for it.
As I reflected on it all, over the last week, I reminded myself that Elizabeth didn’t ask to be Queen, just as Charles didn’t ask to be King. They were born into it, and Elizabeth performed that duty faithfully for 70 years, doing what she felt was her best.
Yes, they have huge wealth and privilege, but I wouldn’t want to pay the price they do for that wealth; living their lives in a ‘goldfish bowl’, their every word and act scrutinised and judged, just as highly paid and famous singers, actors, sports people and others are. The difference is, the latter choose the path of fame and fortune.
I feel happy for the Queen, that her time of service is over, and she’s now at rest; and I wish Charles the best in his new role, one he’s been in training for, his whole life.