Practising Positive Law of Attraction in a Shit-Storm...

Times are tough right now for many individuals, families and small businesses all over Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re all doing the best we can to navigate our way through this shit-storm that our economy feels like, at the moment, with varying degrees of success.
And while I practise the Law of Attraction in my life, the last couple of years, and especially the last few months, have challenged me in ways I’ve not experienced in a long time. We are of course not alone, as a business, because there are many who have had it far tougher than us, with some having to close their doors.
While I try not to dwell too much on the challenges, I’m human, and sometimes it feels like such a heavy weight, which provides a great opportunity for personal growth.
The Law of Attraction has taught me that these challenges are ‘contrast’ and an important part of our experience, because we need to know what we don’t want in order to help us manifest what we do want.
My job in that process is to try and make sure I give the challenges as little air-time in my head as possible, focussing instead on manifesting the stuff I do want. I work with an AMAZING TEAM OF EARTH ANGELS who help me with that when I need it.
Our Customer Service Angels do their best in the store to make your Inspire Me Experience a Fabulous one by being present to your needs, because that’s how they want to be treated wherever they shop, and because the ‘desire to serve’ is strong in them.
And the Earth Angels you don’t see in the shop, so much, are doing their best in the background to make sure things go as smoothly as possible, processing incoming stock, and creating what we hope is interesting content on our various social media platforms and website.
I thought I’d let you know about some of the things we’re doing to get us through this time. I’m getting the not so nice ones out of the way first, and then I’ll touch on the exciting stuff…
I know this seems crazy when people have less disposable income, but the reality is, if we don’t…
This is by far the toughest of measures to implement, and even though they totally get it, it weighs heavy on my mind.
We invested in a fabulous Social Media Marketing Course, and we’re implementing what we’ve learned, including…
* Posting content that we hope you enjoy, on a daily basis.
* Viv’s product pics are beautiful as ever, and
* Kathryn’s Moon posts are proving very popular
* Neka (our Tarot Queen) has just started doing posts on the different types of card decks and how to use them, which is great
* I have started doing a weekly blog again, talking about things that are bubbling up for me, whether personal, business or global stuff
* We’d love to hear from you if you have any ideas that you’d like to share in terms of content you’d like to see on our page…
* Viv and Kathryn are working on ideas to grow our Instagram following…
* This is a massive learning curve, and while we’ve only been on TikTok for a month, we’ve already learned that it’s much more time-consuming than we thought it would be. So, while we’re learning the how’s and why’s of it all, we’re focussing on quality rather than quantity.
* Neka has shot some Awesome TikTok videos, cajoling the team into being part of them, and we’re trying to ensure that we share them on our Facebook page, for those of our followers who are not into TikTok.
Google Business Page:
* I’m embarrassed to admit I had no idea that people were leaving reviews here, and only discovered it when we were approached a week ago about having a virtual tour of our page done. LOL
* So now we’re working on updating pics etc… there, as well as checking it regularly so we can respond to reviewers who have taken the time to post lovely feedback.
Sage Advice:
* This is a new page we’ve added to our website, where we’re putting up blogs on stuff we think you might like to know about.
* Viv and I have wanted to add something like this for years, and we’re excited to see it starting to take shape
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and in closing, I’d like to ask a favour…
If you like the content we’re posting on our platforms, please like, comment, and share it, because it helps us to keep appearing in your feed, and it also helps us grow our reach.
If like me you’re a small business owner, and you’re finding it tough, hang in there. And if you’d like to chat you know where to find me...