The Perfect Partner Peter!

* Integrity
* Honesty
* Hard working
* Generous
* Courageous
* Compassionate
* Committed
* Kind to people and animals
* Dry sense of humour
* Patient
*Thoughtful and wise
* Fair minded
* Acts of service
* Nice butt
These are attributes I associate with my husband and best friend Peter, who I’ve been blessed to be in a relationship with for 21 years.
He doesn’t know I’m writing this, and he’ll quite possibly be a little embarrassed, but I’ve long wanted to acknowledge the huge impact he’s had on my life, Ferne’s life, and even on the life of Inspire Me.
When times have got tough for Inspire Me, because of economic downturns, Peter has not only supported me financially, he’s been the ‘wind beneath my wings’ holding space for me when I struggled to have faith in myself and my abilities.
I remember having a pity party in the shower during one particularly rough time about a year after we moved to the site we’re in currently. We borrowed a lot of money to make the move and create the awesome space we now have, but after a year we just weren’t seeing a return on our investment, and we owed more than we owned. It was a really scarey place to be, especially in your mid fifties.
I was feeling so bad about the position I’d put us in, and particularly feeling like I’d let Peter down. He walked into the bathroom one morning and found me sobbing in the shower. He just looked at me and said in his usual quiet way “What's wrong?” to which I sobbed “What have I done to us?” He simply replied “What's the worst that could happen?”
I knew he knew the seriousness of the situation, but I felt the need to spell it out for him “We could lose our home!” to which he replied with a gentle smile “So we’d start again...”
That kinda took my breath away, and the tears abated. I was filled with a new sense of purpose, I mean how could I not have faith in myself when Peter clearly had faith in me, and my ability to turn things around. It was all I needed to open myself up to possibilities I hadn't previously considered in the form of ideas my Spirit Team were giving me; and the rest is history...
Peter knew when he chose to become part of my life that he was also choosing to be part of my daughter Ferne’s life and he has been a true friend to her all these years as well. I guess you could say that we’re a rather high maintenance team to be part of.
It’s not all hard work though, we have a lot of laughs, we’ve had some wonderful travel experiences, and our philosophies on life are very much aligned.
And while I know what I get out of our relationship, I do sometimes wonder what he gets out of it. He talks about liking the quiet life, but perhaps he also likes living on the edge, a little...
I hope that, if you haven’t already, you find a Peter to share your life with...