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Choosing a Crystal

Choosing a Crystal

For Yourself…

I believe that whether you’re in a store looking through their range of crystals, or at home looking through your own collection, seeking the right crystal for that day, or for a specific purpose, it will reveal itself to you.

How does it do that? I have been asked many times over the years “How do I choose a crystal for myself?” and my usual answer is “Wander around the crystals, and the one you’re seeking today will wink at you, silently saying ‘pick me, pick me’.”

Some will respond with “But what if I’m attracted to it just because it’s pretty?” and my response is often “What makes it pretty to you?” I know for myself that I can be attracted to crystals and colours at times, when I wouldn’t normally be, and I know that there’s a reason for it. When I’m not getting in my own way, I’ll easily flow with that…

Sounds simple doesn’t it. However, it’s not always; at least not until we become practised at not overthinking it. If we can get out of our own way and allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, our Inner Being, we really can’t get it wrong. This applies not only to choosing a crystal, but to life in general, and we are of course all ‘works in progress,’ getting it right sometimes, and other times not so much, which is why this journey we call life is so exciting.

And while we have little cards near the crystals at Inspire Me, indicating some of the ways they may help us, I encourage people to choose intuitively rather than reading the words. It’s always satisfying to let the crystals reveal themselves to you and then read why. Generally, it affirms what you were seeking, although it can sometimes be unrelated to what you thought you were looking for, while resonating for another reason.

For Another…

When I’m looking for a crystal for a friend or loved one, it’s often because there’s something going on in their life that’s manifesting itself in a way that’s either physically, mentally or emotionally unpleasant for them.

If I’m happy that they’re open to receiving a crystal(s) from me, I’ll apply similar methods for choosing theirs as I do for my own.

While I’ll hold them in my thoughts, picturing them healthy, happy, and living the life they dream of, I’ll also do some research to help me determine what crystals might be most helpful for them. Once I’ve made my selection, I’ll set the intention of what I wish for them.

There’s a wealth of information out there in the form of books, cards, and websites, and as with most things in life, use your inner guidance to help you find what works best for you, and then try not to over-think it.

I have often been asked over the years by people, if it’s okay to choose crystals for someone else, because they’ve been told that it’s not. I genuinely believe that it’s wonderful to gift crystals to others, and that the more people surround themselves with them, the more enriched their lives will be.

I’m not an expert on anything, except living life, and while this is how I choose crystals, others will have different ideas and ways for choosing that are just as valid. Your job is to find what works for you.



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