Mabon Magic

Mabon Magic

Irah has done it again, with another fantastic altar and crystal grid layout in celebration of the Autumn Equinox of MABON!

The Equinox signifies that day and night are of equal length, and indicates that we are now approaching the time when the days will get shorter as the Sun moves towards it's Winter Solstice position. Traditionally, Mabon was a time of communal feasting, celebrating the second of the three great harvest festivals. Getting the harvest in involved a lot of strenuous work, so there was gratitude and relief when it was finished, in the knowledge that there were sufficient stores to survive the lean winter times.

Irah has incorporated the qualities of balance and harmony, gratitude for the abundant harvest, and acknowledgement of the cycles of life (birth and death) in her beautiful altar:

Incense: myrrh, pine, sweetgrass

Colours: burgandy, orange/gold, chocolate

Amber - symbolising purpose and strength
Orchid Calcite - symbolising overcoming lethargy and encouraging activity
Clear Quartz - symbolising unblocking energy, letting go
Citrine - symbolising seeing/clearing blockages
Red Aventurine - symbolising diffusing negative situations
Cats Eye - symbolising encouraging good fortune/luck
Yellow Aventurine - symbolising feeling at ease with who we are
Orange Calcite - symbolising trusting ourselves and the ability to overcome setbacks

Symbols: skulls, nuts, pinecones, autumn leaves, gourds

Mabon Blessings,
Viv & Irah

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