How to Cleanse Your Space

How to Cleanse Your Space

Have you ever heard the expression ‘you could cut the air with a knife’?

In my experience, it’s usually associated with walking into a room and feeling a very tense or unfriendly atmosphere. What you’re feeling is negative energy, and believe it or not it’s often created by us because of something we’re going through, which could be arguing in the home, worry over finances, and a host of other things. Cleansing with white sage and other herbs, helps shift that yukky energy, and sometimes you might need to do it weekly or monthly to keep on top of it if there’s been a lot going on. There are of course other things you can do, but this is the go to method for me and a lot of other people.

Cleansing your space regularly, is a good thing to do for your physical, mental and spiritual health, and here are a few more occasions that you might like to think about cleansing with sage and other herbs…

  • You or someone in your home has been unwell
  • You’ve been feeling down or depressed
  • Your home or space just feels blah…
  • There’s been a lot of arguing going on in the home
  • A flatmate has moved out and the parting has been angry or bitter
  • You and your partner have separated and you’re making new beginnings
  • You’ve just moved into a new home and you want to cleanse and bless your new space
  • You’ve got an unwanted entity hanging around and you’d like to move them on
  • You’re selling your house

One of my favourite stories about cleansing is…

A woman came into the store one day and said she and her husband had been trying to sell their house for a couple of years, and had not received even one offer. She asked me if I could think of anything that would help, and I suggested cleansing the place with white sage before an open home or viewing, but not too close to the viewing, as it leaves quite a distinctive odour that is not to everyone’s taste. She and her husband came in a couple of weeks later to tell me that the house had sold. I don’t know who was more excited, me or them.

Cleansing with sage is just one of many ways that you can change the feel of a space or yourself for that matter, and we have a good range of books aimed at helping us create the king of environment we want to spend our time in.

Here are a few titles that might be of interest when thinking about creating a beautiful space in which to thrive…



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