How to celebrate Earth Day 2024

How to celebrate Earth Day 2024


Earth Day was originally planned to be on 20th March, the first day of spring in the USA but was changed to be on 22nd April. This year the theme is Planet vs. Plastics. In recent years ecology and climate change have become increasingly pressing issues but let's leave the science and the politics aside, and focus on looking after and celebrating Mother Earth.

Have you thought about how you're going to celebrate Earth Day 2024? Our beautiful planet is certainly something worth celebrating. So here are a few enjoyable ways to celebrate Earth Day…

  1. Help our pollinators by planting NZ natives and wild flowers. They will attract pollinators, butterflies and birds, which will make your garden a far more exciting and vibrant place.
  2. Start buying eco-friendly products. Avoid buying products in plastic containers, especially single-use plastics.
  3. Plant a tree in your garden or in a tree planting event at a local reserve. NZ is blessed with so many beautiful trees to choose from.
  4. Recycle and reuse as much as you can in the house, kitchen and garden. Recycling reduces the amount of harmful plastic that we put into the environment.
  5. Stop using pesticides and weed killers in the garden. Weeds are just the plants that Mother Nature has chosen to put there.
  6. Get the children involved. Children love growing things. They love learning about nature. They will keep you on track with looking after Mother Earth, because they love pointing out our mistakes. They love to count how many birds, butterflies, other animals and insects, and flowers they can spot.
  7. Start putting regular time aside to just enjoy and appreciate Mother Earth. Take time to appreciate the wildlife in your garden or the local reserve.
  8. If you have children in your family, organize an Earth Day Party for them. Let each of them invite a friend along. Keep it simple and easy: just a couple of healthy, eco-friendly treats and get them started learning all about the wonderful planet that is our home.

This year 22nd April is also the first day (starting after sunset) of the Jewish Passover. It is the evening of the Passover dinner.


Frank (written content)
Irah (Altar creation)


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