Those Tidy Freaks! :)

Yesterday morning I sat down to work on a project, but my desk was so covered in papers, random crystals and lots of other stuff that I've been meaning to sort out for some time (ages actually), that there was no room for me to lay out a piece of paper to make notes on.
Mostly I work on the computer, so I allow the stuff pile up, telling myself that I'll sort it soon. It's kind of crazy as my home is tidy, the shop is tidy, but my desk at work and my desk at home is CRAZY UNTIDY, and thats how it's always been throughout my working life. It probably says a lot about my personality, and I'll might look into that.
Yesterday morning I needed that space so I had a little sort out. It took a while to go through all the stuff on just this side of my desk, and as you can see I still have the other side to tackle...
The girls give me a hard time about it regularly, particularly Jo, cos she's a real tidy freak. LOL.
Monday's and Tuesdays I work with Liv and Holly, and we have a lot of laughs about our untidyness. Holly, who sits across from me in the stockroom, claims she lets her desk get messy, just so I won't feel so bad about mine. LOL
Liv likes to think she's tidy, and while she's not as bad as Holly and I, her behind the scenes work space, which is the Crystal Dungeon, can get into a bit of a mess.
Georgia's week starts on Wednesday, so towards the end of the day on Tuesday, we're scrambling to make sure everything is nice and tidy for when Queen G arrives, cos she's a bit of a tidy freak as well.
And towards the end of the day Queen G is scrambling to make sure the bench at the back of the shop is nice and tidy for Magicool Jo's inspection when she arrives on Thursday morning.
I took a pic of the clean side yesterday morning, just in case it was messy again before Jo got to see it. We all know it's not going to stay looking like it for long, but for the moment I can actually lay out a piece of paper and make notes.
Anyone brave enough to share a pic of their messy desk?
And if you have to, you can show me up even more by sharing your tidy desk.
Make today a wonderful Thursday, I know I'm going to...