What does it mean when a tarot card calls to me?

What does it mean when a tarot card calls to me?

Sometimes when we see a flick through of a deck, or see cards laid out in a spread, there is something about a certain card that captures our attention. Usually when we are drawn to a card like this, it is because there is something about the meaning that would be specifically helpful to us. Even if you don’t “read tarot” or know the book meanings, you can often ascertain what your message might be by considering the illustration and asking yourself, “what is it about this card that my spirit team, my higher self, God, (or any other guiding force that feels right to you), might be wanting to relay through this card.”

- If you take a moment to look more closely at the illustration, and notice what parts of the image catch your eye the most, do these bits hold any symbolism or meanings to you?

 - Notice any emotions or physical responses you experience. Are the any aspects of your life currently, anything unresolved from your past, or any goals in your future, that evoke these same feelings?  

- If you consider the larger picture that might surround what’s shown on the card, is there anything that you intuitively think it might contain? Does the larger picture hold meaning for you?

- Could the illustration be reflecting a challenge in your life, or offering guidance in an area where you’d appreciate some?

Sit with it for a moment and notice what thoughts come to mind. If you still don’t feel that you are getting an interpretation that is helpful, then you could consult the guidebook, or someone else who is nearby and has had more practice, or whom you find insightful. Consider if these interpretations resonate for you. You don’t need to accept any interpretation that doesn’t feel like a good fit.

I believe that you will always draw a card that your spirit team knows that you can interpret. There are no rules around interpreting intuitively. I recall one time when I had been making a conscious effort to eat in a healthier way, to help lose a few kilos and improve my health. I had hit a bit of a plateau and consulted my deck for some guidance as I continued toward my goal. I asked, “What would be helpful for me to know to better improve my health?” and as I shuffled the cards a random thought popped into my mind, “I wonder if the diet fizzy drinks are actually having more of a negative impact than I realize, even though they’re calorie-free.”

I split the deck and drew one card. It was the temperance card. In its book meaning, temperance means to practice moderation, to avoid excess, to compromise, finding harmony and balance, consider different views, and to practice self-care and enjoy the benefits of it. All completely relevant and somewhat helpful, but also a bit wishy-washy and lacking the specifics I was seeking, and all beside the point, because I immediately disregarded all this knowledge when I looked at the card and saw a woman pouring wine into a wine glass filled with ice, and in my mind I heard, “Add a little water to your wine!” My interpretation was to drink more water and ditch the fizzy drinks. A specific, helpful, and practical piece of advice taken from a single element of the illustration and interpreted in the most literal way possible!

As with so many aspects of spirituality, my advice is to trust yourself to find your answer. Interpreting card meanings is like any other skill, it gets easier the more you do it. The more you practice, the more you find what methods work best for your own process.


(The card featured is from the 'Bonefire Tarot' by Gabi Angus-West)


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