Thomas Pearson | Tom's Readings
Tom is an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary story. A story that traverses great adversity, and the discovery of Tom's gift for oracle card reading that enables him to communicate directly from his heart to ours.
Born a typical bundle of joy, at 9 months old Tom became critically ill with pneumococcal meningitis. This illness left Tom with numerous challenges. Medical professionals were adamant he would never walk, communicate, or have the opportunity to live a meaningful life.
Through a years-long journey of exploring both traditional and alternative therapies, Tom leads a life that experts never could have predicted.
Now aged 25, Tom does indeed walk, communicate, and more. In fact, he walks, dances, laughs, plays, paints, bowls, and gives amazing hugs!
And Tom certainly does communicate, his way.
Tom isn’t interested in superficial connections with others. He wants to be authentic, down to his core. The beauty of Tom is that he invites each of us into our own authenticity too.
Simply spending time with Tom can be a healing, centring, and illuminating experience.
But it is through his angel and oracle card readings that he makes his wisdom most clear; reaching beyond words to share with friends, family, and clients the messages they most need to receive.
Now is the time to offer Tom’s gift to the world. If you would like to experience a reading from Tom, please get in touch.
Readings $33
Connect with Tom on his website
- Tags: card readings readings