Andrew Gowan | Health Solutions

A Naturopath cares for you using herbs, nutrition, diet modification and other gentle techniques to restore health and balance. Naturopathic healthcare combines the latest evidence based protocols and time-honoured practices as well as encompassing many of the factors (psycho-sociocultural-environmental) that impact wellbeing.
Andrew is a registered Naturopath with over twenty years experience and study across health sciences, nursing, adult education and first aid. Member of NMHNZ, BHSc, Dip Nat, Dip Clin Nutrition, Adv Cert Bowen.
Using Naturopathic and conventional medical assessment coupled with functional testing (where required - hormones, toxic metals, adrenals, digestive function, thyroid) Andrew will find the underlying issues affecting your health, and then formulate a personalised plan and specific herbal-based and nutritional remedies to get the results you need. All ages and all health conditions.
Andrew has a special interest in digestive problems, hormonal health, allergies, skin conditions, chronic and acute infections, fatigue, insomnia and headaches.
Consultations (in person) $150 up to 1.5 hours (includes on-the-spot written report, script and dietary advice plus full ongoing support)
Online (virtual) consultations $150 1 hour (includes comprehensive typed report delivered to your inbox within 24 hours, diet advice and other information plus full ongoing support)
Follow-up consultations $70 - $80 40 plus minutes
Bowen therapy and other bodywork $70 - $100 up to an hour
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- Tags: iridology naturopathy