RUBY is an energy and abundance stone, and may help with…
- improving motivation and setting realistic goals
- encouraging positive dreams
- holding on to wealth and passion
- dynamic leadership
- a positive and courageous state of mind
- heightened awareness
- concentration
- stimulating the heart chakra
- psychic attack
Chakra Association: Heart, Root
Zodiac Association: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Ruby in Fuschite
A blend of natural RUBY crystals embedded in green FUSCHITE, merges the qualities of these two beautiful stones, creating the perfect heart stone that may help with…
- getting to and staying asleep
- clearing blockages of the heart chakra
- vitality
- transforming destructive negative energies into positive helpful ones
- opening and enhancing psychic awareness
- healing by amplifying the body’s energy field
- connecting to spiritual realms
- meditation
- recovery from chronic illness
Chakra Association: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac Association: Aquarius
Ruby in Zoisite (aka Anyolite)
A blend of natural RUBY crystals embedded in ZOISITE, creating what has come to be known as a marriage of passion and patience that may help with...
- communication with spirit guides
- enhancing psychic abilities
- maintaining our individuality
- calm over-reactions to difficult situations
- with mood swings and stress
- strengthen our immune system
- increase fertility
- heal the reproductive system
- bacterial infections
Chakra Association: Crown, Heart
Zodiac Association: Aquarius, Aries
- Tags: crystals r - s