
JASPER, known as the supreme nurturer, comes in many forms and may help with…
- grounding
- quick thinking and good organisation
- completing projects
- stimulating the imagination & transforming ideas into action
- finding tranquillity in times of stress
- absorbing negative energies
- clearing electromagnetic & environmental pollution including radiation
- courage during conflict
- support during chronic illness
- aligning the chakras
- dream recall
Dalmation Jasper
In addition to the generic properties of Jasper, DALMATION JASPER, which contains flecks of TOURMALINE, is said to remind us that we are a spiritual being here on a human journey. Some other ways it may help us, include…
- stimulating our sense of fun
- staying composed no matter what
- alleviating a tendency to over-think and over-analyse so we can move forward
- easing feelings of depression, elevating our mood
- energy depletion
- preventing nightmares/terrors
- warning us of danger

Kambaba Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways KAMBABA JASPER may help us, include...
- breaking free from letting our fears dictate who we are, and what we do
- becoming aware of talents and abilities we never knew we had
- promoting new endeavours, whether business, birth, relationships or thoughts
- finding the confidence to make bold decisions, and the emotional strength to feel protected as we follow them through, traversing new territories
- inspiring a new mental outlook
- enhancing creativity and work productivity
- promoting soothing, nurturing and comforting energies, restoring balance and order
- regulating interactions and relationships
- creating a healthy cycle of accepting and releasing emotions
Check here for KAMBABA JASPER items available.
Leopardskin Orbicular Jasper
In addition to the generic properties of Jasper, some of the ways LEOPARDSKIN JASPER, a Shamanic stone, may help us, include…
- connecting/communicating with the animal kingdom
- discovering and learning how to work with personal animal totems (power animals)
- learning to listen to our inner voice
- fulfilling soul contracts, when appropriate
- reducing insecurities and overcoming guilt and fear
- protection while meeting with challenges and fulfilling goals
- chronic health conditions

Mookaite Jasper
In addition to the generic properties of Jasper, some of the ways MOOKAITE JASPER, may help us, include…
- choosing ‘the right path’
- encouraging versatility and a desire for new experiences, as well as a deep calm with which to face them

Net Jasper (aka Spiderweb Jasper)
In addition to the generic qualities of JASPER, some of the ways NET JASPER may help us, include…
- understanding the inter-connectedness of Universal energies
- attuning to these energies
- adapting to change
Check here for NET JASPER items available.

Ocean Orbicular Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways OCEAN JASPER may help us, include…
- teaching the wise use of power and will
- feeling empathy while remaining objective
- working through change
- relieving insomnia
- addressing unresolved emotional issues, accepting responsibility for ourselves, and moving forward in a positive way
- encouraging service to humanity

Peanut Jasper
In addition to the generic properties of Jasper, some of the ways PEANUT JASPER (a combination of JASPER & PETRIFIED PEANUT WOOD) may help us, include…
- grounding and centring ourselves
- improving our well-being
- reflecting and relaxing so we live a simpler life
- choosing not to sweat the small stuff
- feeling at home on the planet
Check here for PEANUT JASPER items available.

Picasso Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways PICASSO JASPER may help us, include…
- reminding us to celebrate and enjoy life
- transforming relationships
- attracting like-minded people in friendship
- renewing old friendships
- stimulating strength and self-discipline
Check here for PICASSO JASPER items available.

Picture Jasper (aka Brown Jasper)
In addition to the generic properties of Jasper, some of the ways PICTURE JASPER may help us, include…
- addressing and releasing feelings of guilt, envy, fear and hatred
- gaining a sense of proportion and harmony, bringing comfort
- strengthening the resolve to give up smoking
Check here for PICTURE JASPER items available.

Polychrome Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways POLYCHROME JASPER may help us, include…
- grounding, stabilising and centring ourselves
- transforming any areas of our life that we wish to improve
- finding new relationships that will create positive change in our life
- creating a comforting feeling of safety, security and happy thoughts
- inspiring creativity and passion
Check here for POLYCHROME JASPER items available.

Poppy Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of JASPER, some of the ways POPPY JASPER may help us, include…
- increasing vitality and passion
- grounding and centring ourselves
- motivation and determination
- stimulating the imagination
- finding the courage to get to grips with challenges assertively
Check here for POPPY JASPER items available.

Red Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways RED JASPER may help us, include…
- rectifying unjust situations
- providing insight into challenging situations before they become ‘too big’
- cleaning and stabilising the aura
- strengthening our boundaries
- stimulating the base chakra

Silverleaf Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways SILVERLEAF JASPER may help us, include…
- awakening the sense of joy we were born with
- keeping us safe while travelling
- instilling a feeling of wholeness and being cared for
- finding the strength to stand up for what we believe in
- promoting contentment and sensitivity in relationships
- encouraging feelings of independence and self-discipline
- finding our true-path
Check here for SILVERLEAF JASPER items available.

Yellow Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways YELLOW JASPER may help us, include…
- channelling positive energy, helping us to ‘feel alive’
- keeping us safe while travelling
- protecting us during spiritual work
- easing physical pain

Zebra Jasper
In addition to the generic qualities of Jasper, some of the ways ZEBRA JASPER may help us, include…
- uniting energies of the masculine and feminine
- using our initiative in tackling life’s issues
- finding joy in our surroundings
- turning dreams into reality

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