What is the Flower of Life?

What is the Flower of Life?
  • Unity
  • Interconnectedness
  • Birth, life, death cycle

Discovered in ancient palaces and the Egyptian temple of Osiris, the flower of life is one of the earliest and most sacred symbols.

There is a theory that the flower of life illustrates the concept that the universe was created from one central point. It is thought to represent ‘everything’, and the connection between creation and all that exists.

Constructed from 19 overlapping circles, the flower of life includes universal mathematical formulas  - the Fibinocci sequence, the golden ratio, the mathematical formula for pi, and the root formulas for musical scales.


I’m learning a lot about Sacred Geometry and look forward to sharing more symbols with you. In the meantime, you can read more here at The Conscious Vibe:


“The Conscious Vibe is an INDEPENDENT open-source website founded on the guiding principles of transparency, radical open-mindedness, curiosity for truth, creativity, hard work, self-awareness, and enjoying the journey of life.

We're always curious to better understand our brains, our world, and our universe.

No hidden agendas, just authentic curiosity for what's true.”

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