Mary Mitchell | Talk To Me Counselling

I provide a service to people who may, or may not, experience mental health issues, who are looking for extra support and inspiration. I live in the country with my husband and our cat, Alia. I have been based in Levin for about fifteen years and am originally from Hawera, Taranaki.
I work with adults who at times experience mental health issues. They may fall through the gaps in the Mental Health System or they may just want support to avoid the Mental Health System. I am passionate about helping people find their own solutions at their own pace. You don’t have to experience mental health issues to come to me. If you are looking for direction, motivation, confidence building and encouragement, “Talk to me.”
What’s in it for me?
Talk To Me is for anyone who wants to be heard, motivated, inspired, get back on track or develop a renewed purpose. Feeling lost? Struggling at the moment? Wanting extra support? See someone who listens and provides encouragement. This is a place where you are able to share what is happening for you. You may want some inspiration, advice and ideas on what to do next. You may just want to be heard, to vent. You will get the opportunity to understand where your stress is coming from and what you can do about it. I provide counselling support, including (but not limited to) Ecotherapy and Interactive Drawing Therapy. I am also available for telephone and online sessions eg. Zoom.
What is Ecotherapy?
Ecotherapy harnesses the power of nature to assist in healing. Ecotherapy occurs anywhere that connects with the natural environment. These sessions take place outdoors, which might be at the beach or in a forest depending on your preferences. This may not be for everyone.
What is Interactive Drawing Therapy?
Interactive Drawing Therapy is drawing instead of talking (or as well as). It involves getting feelings and images down on the page. Sometimes it is easier to draw rather than talk about what is happening for you. You will be led through a drawing process and don’t need to be an artist to benefit from Interactive Drawing Therapy.
Qualifications and experience?
I have a Bachelor of Social Work degree (First class honours) and 25 years of experience working in the mental health field. I am a Registered Social Worker with the Social Work Registration Board (SWRB) and a member of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW).
How much does it cost?
$120 per hour session
$100 per hour for Ecotherapy
$90 per hour for online counselling, for example phone or Zoom
Mary was attentive, focused, reflective and listened with awareness. She was able to reflect back to me the ideas that we talked about. I felt clarity came for me having talked about my issues. Mary summarized at the end, what was talked about, which was also very helpful. - Deidre
Mary explained the structure of the phone session, and I felt supported by the framework throughout. The experience, my first phone session, left me with confidence. It felt like a real discussion and in fact seemed easier to speak with no contact or body language. I felt I was really heard. Mary had the ability to stop and listen and challenged me a couple of times. I was offered choices and timely feedback. The session was very professional and conducted well. Mary has a natural caring tone of voice. - Cushla
Connect with Mary on her website