Christina Richter | Astrology Services

Astrology is the art of timing and your horoscope is your personal GPS that guides you in life. Receiving insight into your horoscope will reveal the blueprint of your individual plan of life. It opens windows to deeper understanding of your psyche and the effect external energies have on you and why. This information will assist you in making choices that best serve you in life.
Astrology is this unravelling of the wonders of your birth chart to show the potential it holds for you, your own embedded treasure map. It awakens you to the present, and prepares you for the future.
Christina is an experienced intuitive astrologer, acclaimed author, radio host and healer who answers life questions with guidance, wisdom and spiritual connection. She uses Medical Astrology, Metaphysics, Ayurveda, Colour Therapy and Stress Management as tools in her practice. Christina will give knowledge and insight into the following areas - business, career, financial, relationship, elective surgery, health, soul direction and fertility.
Hawkes Bay person to person. Nationwide/International via skype, phone and email. Availability - appointment arranged on contact with client - Monday to Saturday 10 - 5pm.
Prior bookings are essential to enable Christina to prepare your chart before your session. Please contact Christina direct for all appointments at or 0226778509.
Astrology Consultation $70 ½ hour
Astrology Consultation Email $190
Astrology Consultation $145 1 hour
Astrology Consultation $190 1½ hours
All health sessions $250 (16-20 page email report and included a ½ hour consult with me)
Abundant Package $170
Spiritual Package $170
Love Package $170
Also available via email:
One simple clear question $30
Two simple clear questions $50
Power Wishes (40 wishes a year) $40
Personal Love Profile $125
GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE. The ideal personal birthday or Christmas present
Christina's books 'Learn to Self-Heal' and 'Your Astrological Health' (No.1 bestseller on Amazon April 2021) are both available at Inspire Me. A valuable investment for your health and the health of your family. A fantastic personal gift for Birthdays and Christmas.
Connect with Christina on her website and get your FREE seasonal newsletter
If you have a passion for Astrology, Ayurveda or looking to be an Author, join Christina's private group on Facebook Christina's AAA
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