
MOLDAVITE is a form of Tektite, said to have extraterrestrial origin. It formed when a giant meteorite struck and fused with Mother Earth some 14-15 million years ago. It is a rare stone that is now found only on the banks of the Moldau River and is believed to help with…
- fertility
- good fortune
- sensitivity to suffering and deep emotions
- opens, clears and aligns the chakras
- connecting with our Higher-Self, Ascended Masters and extraterrestrials
- empathy and compassion
- grounding when used with Hematite and Smoky Quartz
- detaching from security issues such as money and concerns for the future
- awareness of the causes of our dis-ease, and supporting us in releasing and healing
- raising the vibration of other crystals
Chakra Association: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac Association: All
- Tags: crystals m - q