
APATITE is said to have inspirational properties and is known as a stone of manifestation. Some of the ways APATITE may help us include…
- communication and self-expression
- stimulating creativity and the intellect
- clearing confusion
- easing sorrow
- reducing negativity about ourselves and others
- reducing irritability, frustration and anger
- increasing motivation
- developing psychic gifts and spiritual attunement
- deepening meditation
Chakra Association: Relates to the colour
Zodiac Association: Relates to the colour
In addition to the generic properties of Apatite, some of the ways BLUE APATITE may help us include…
- opening the throat chakra
- public speaking and group communication
- healing our heart
- connecting to a very high level of spiritual guidance
Chakra Association: Throat, Third Eye
Zodiac Association: Gemini, Libra
In addition to the generic properties of Apatite, YELLOW APATITE may help with…
- eliminating toxins
- activating the solar plexus and drawing off stagnant energy
- lethargy and feelings of depression
- concentration
- neutralising anger
Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
Zodiac Association: Gemini
- Tags: crystals a - b