
My favourite stone in all the world, LABRADORITE is a magical and mystical crystal that captivates with its changing colours. It is so easy to get lost in this wonderful stone. I love it so much; I chose it in one of its beautiful forms for the background to our website. Some of the ways Labradorite is believed to help us include…
- having faith in ourselves and the decisions we make
- trusting that the Universe has our back, even when it doesn’t feel like it
- stimulating our intuition
- being open to and accepting of change
- repelling negative energies
- feeling protected, eliminating fear
- calming an overactive mind
- enhancing our meditation
Chakra Association: Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac Association: Sagittarius, Libra
Golden Labradorite
In addition to the generic properties of Labradorite, GOLDEN LABRADORITE may help with…
- accessing the highest levels of consciousness
- enhancing visualisations
- clairvoyance and channelling
Check here for GOLDEN LABRADORITE items available.

- Tags: crystals f - l